Category Archives: Our products

Spun Yarn Products

Category : Our products

  • Spun yarns with different count 100% PES , 100%Viscose or its blends
  • Non-woven with different specs according to customers

Polyester Filament Products

Category : Our products

  • POY with different detex and filaments
  • Textured yarns with different deniers
  • Flat yarns on bobbins
  • Sized flat yarns on beams

Polyester Staple Fiber Products

Category : Our products

  • Cotton type with cut length 32,38 mm with denier 1.2-1.4
  • Wool type fiber tow , row, colored and semi-dull with different cut length & deniers 1.2-12.0
  • Tops with variable cut length sliver 88,114 mm raw white and colored.
  • Polyester Chips with standard quality.
